Revista Internacional de Investigación en Adicciones (RIIAD) is an initiative of Centros de Integración Juvenil aimed at promoting the dissemination and dissemination of the results of scientific research in the field of drug use, mental health and its care. It is published biannually (twice a year), electronically and in print. In accordance with good practices in scientific publishing, manuscripts received are initially reviewed by an internal review committee; those that are approved are subsequently refereed in a double-blind process by expert adjudicators on the different topics.

Vol. 10 No. 2 (2024): July - December

Published: 2024-12-11


Increase in Methamphetamine Use: a Challenge for Treatment Services

Rodrigo Marín-Navarrete, Ricardo Sánchez-Domínguez, Carmen Fernández-Cáceres


Original Articles

Comparison of Use, Barriers, Treatment Seeking, and Mental Health Problems in Residential Methamphetamine Users

Kalina Isela Martínez Martínez, Yancarlo Ojeda, Marielena Eudave-Patiño, Ángel Cahue, María Abigail Paz Pérez, Francisco Javier Pedroza Cabrera


Exploring Risk Prevention and Harm Reduction Behaviours among Snorted Cocaine Users

Carolina Pinzón-Gómez, Miguel Bencomo-Cruz López, Maria Paula Gamboa Bayona, Carlos Gantiva


Drug Use among a Moroccan Sample of College Students

Hatim Ben Ayad, Adil Najdi, Meftaha Senhaji


Relationship between Risk Alcohol Consumption and Depressive Symptoms in Mexican University Students

Guillermo Rosales-Damián, Carlos Alejandro Hidalgo-Rasmussen, Lilia Janeth Torres-Chávez, Paola Javier-Juárez


Methamphetamine Use among College Students: Prevalence and Associated Factors

Patricia Pavón-León, Sealtiel Armenta-Arellano, Betzaida Salas García, Xóchitl De San Jorge Cárdenas, Gaudencio Gutiérrez-Alba, José Alberto Muños Hernández


Gender Differences in the Psychoactive Substances Use in Mexican high School Students

Jorge Luis Arellanez Hernández, Juliana Valencia-Ochoa, Yenni Rivera-Montoya, Jorge García Villanueva


Brief Research Reports

Development and Psychometric Evidence of a Brief Instrument to Measure Pornography Addiction in Mexican Adults

Esteban Valenzuela Romero, Ana Cristina Tamez Chapa, Andrea Martín Arias, Carolina Martínez Guzmán


Review Articles

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