Early Life Parent-Child Positive Interactions (Points) Prevent the Development of Psychiatric Symptoms
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Introduction: early life positive parent/child interactions (points) nuance the child’s behavior when coping with adversity.
Objective: to contrast parent-child points and negative interactions (no-points) to determine their potential impact on resilience, academic achievement (AA), and current psychiatric symptoms.
Method: points and no-points were contrasted to determine their impact on resilience, academic achievement (AA), and current psychiatric symptoms in young students (n = 115; mean = 20.56 years, SD = 1.85).
Results: of all the students interviewed, 61.73% reported being raised from both parents with no-points (negligent care, NC) and/or overprotection, while the rest (38.26%) were raised with points (optimal care, OC) and no overprotection. Half of the NC subjects suffered abuse (NC+A). OC induced higher AA and resilience, less insomnia and depression/anxiety symptoms, and fewer number of drugs of abuse than NC or NC+A. NC and NC+A were risk factors for mild, moderate, and severe symptoms of depression, anxiety, and insomnia; and NC+A were more likely to consume three or more drugs.
Discussion and conclusions: raising children with points makes them resourceful and resilient to psychiatric disorders and better able to meet social and academic demands throughout life. Psychoeducation about the impact of early-life negative psychosocial interactions on adult life will promote points and social adaptation.
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