Marijuana Consumption and Child-to-Parent Violence in Adolescents
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Introduction: marijuana use has repercussions among members of the family nucleus; it is related to child-to-parent violence due to the neurological and behavioral effects that it originates in the adolescent, which can trigger violent behavior of sons and daughters towards the father and mother.
Objective: to analyze the relationship between marijuana consumption and child-to-parent violence in high school adolescents.
Method: correlational study in 318 high school adolescents of both sexes, between 14 and 19 years old. The instruments used were a Sociodemographic File and the Conflict Tactics Scale (CTS2), programmed on the Microsoft Forms platform.
Results: there is a positive relationship between marijuana use and verbal and economic violence towards both parents (p < .05). The Multiple Linear Regression Model, it was significant (p < .05) on the verbal and economic violence towards both parents.
Discussion and conclusions: marijuana consumption in adolescence is a risk to the health of adolescents and family parents. It is proposed to design early care strategies in the family core, with emphasis on the prevention of marijuana use or misuse and the different types of child-to-parent violence.
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