Adaptation of the Game Transfer Phenomena Scale into Spanish: Sensory-Perceptual Changes, Intrusive Thoughts, and Involuntary Behaviors in Mexican Video Game Players
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Introduction: research on game transfer phenomena (GTP) is focused on understanding the impact of video game features and experiences on sensory perception, thoughts, and behaviors rather than on excessive/uncontrollable playing regardless of negative consequences. However, studies have shown a relationship between GTP and gaming disorder, and there is a resemblance between some forms of GTP and the perceptual disturbances that result as side effects of hallucinogens. Video game players have reported experiencing sensory perception changes (e.g., perceptual distortions of objects or environments and visual, auditory, or tactile hallucinations from games), intrusive thoughts, involuntary actions, and behaviors (e.g., the movement of fingers when interacting with game elements or a keyboard) .
Objective: first, to adapt and validate the Game Transfer Phenomena Scale (GTPS) in Spanish with a Mexican sample. Second, to examine the adequacy of the frequency rating scale used in the GTPS.
Method: cross-sectional survey with 607 players; most were males between 18 and 27 years old.
Results: the higher-order factor model showed acceptable results. The prevalence of GTP was 96%. The number of game genres played and session length was correlated with all GTPS subscales, confirming the criterion validity. The examination of the frequency rating scale via the item response theory showed that selecting the second level of the scale “once” should be treated with caution.
Discussion and conclusions: confirmatory factor analysis showed that the GTPS adapted into Spanish and tested in the Mexican sample was valid and reliable. Experiencing GTP more than once may be more meaningful for establishing the prevalence of GTP.
Key words: Game Transfer Phenomena, Mexicans, Spanish language, video games, video game effects.
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