Differences in Service Utilization, Co-occurring Disorders and Risk Behaviors between Men and Women Receiving Substance Use Treatment in Residential Facilities
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Introduction: gender differences are notorious in population with a substance use disorder (SUD), from consumption patterns to treatment needs.
Objective: to determine the differences between men and women in the prevalence of co-occurring disorders, contact with services and other health risks, like suicidal and high-risk sexual behaviors in a sample of patients with SUD currently receiving care in residential facilities.
Method: comparative analysis between men and women, secondary to a multicenter cross-sectional study, conducted in 30 residential centers located in Mexico City, Puebla, Hidalgo, Queretaro and State of Mexico. Bivariate statistics studies were performed (Student’s t and Chi-square) to determine the difference between men and women.
Results: differences were found in the prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder and bulimia, as well as inconsistent condom use in the last year, which predominantly affect women.
Discussion and conclusions: the female population is at higher risk, which highlights the importance of considering other paradigms in future studies in order to understand mental disorders and their comorbidities, such as the paradigms of social determinants in health and syndemic.
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