Published: 2019-07-03


Original Articles

The first 90 days in addiction treatment: the role of family support groups

Addiction treatment and Family

Boris Camilo Rodríguez-Martín, Belén Gallego-Arjiz, Patricia López-Ewert, Jacobo Reguera-Errasti, María Quevedo De La Peña, Yunier Broche-Pérez


Neuropsychological alterations associated with the consumption of Dextro-methyl-amphetamine in Mexican adolescents

Charles Ysaacc Da Silva Rodrigues, Paula Alexandra Carvalho de Figueiredo, Paulo Pombo Marques, José Félix Gómez Calderón


Alcohol consumption and its relationship to aggressiveness in middle school adolescents

Alcohol Consumption and Aggressivnes in adolescents

Paola Lizeth Flores-Garza, Karla Selene López-García, Francisco Rafael Guzmán-Facundo, Lucio Rodríguez-Aguilar, Benito Israel Jiménez-Padilla


Review Articles