Adaptation and Validation of the Screening Test for Problems Related to Alcohol Consumption in Parents through the Perception of Children (CAST-6)

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Angélica Susana López-Arellano
Karla Selene López-García
Jorge Ameth Villatoro Velázquez
Rosa María Díaz Hurtado


Introduction: children of parents with alcohol use problems are a population susceptible to risk factors that can affect their current and adult lives. The Children of Alcoholics Screening Test (CAST-6) is a screening test that allows detecting alcohol-related problems in parents through the perception of their children; however, this questionnaire has not been validated for the Mexican population.

Objective: the main objective is to adapt and validate the Test of Alcohol-Related Problems of Parents through the perception of children CAST-6 in Mexican adolescents, distinguishing between the father and the mother.

Method: the sample consisted of 307 adolescents from public high schools, with a mean age of 12.7 years. Reliability analysis and exploratory factor analysis were performed.

Results: the exploratory factor analysis of the CAST-6 Dad yielded a single factor with 53.1% of variance explained, and the CAST-6 Mom presented a single factor with 46.1% of variance explained. Both tests presented a Cronbach’s Alpha of .82 and .76 respectively.

Discussion and conclusion: the CAST-6 Dad and CAST-6 Mom are accurate and validity for screening use in Mexican population in research field and clinical work, and to positively impact the future health of adolescents and families with alcohol problems.

adolescent ,  alcohol drinking ,  underage drinking ,  family ,  population ,  school age
Published: Oct 3, 2023

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How to Cite
López-Arellano, A. S., López-García, K. S. . ., Villatoro Velázquez, J. A., & Díaz Hurtado, R. M. . (2023). Adaptation and Validation of the Screening Test for Problems Related to Alcohol Consumption in Parents through the Perception of Children (CAST-6). Revista Internacional De Investigación En Adicciones, 9(2), 128–136.
Original Articles
Author Biographies

Karla Selene López-García, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Facultad de Enfermería, México.

Profesora e investigadora en la linea de drogas licitas e ilicitas

Jorge Ameth Villatoro Velázquez, Instituto Nacional de Psiquiatría Ramón de la Fuente Muñiz, Ciudad de México, México.


Rosa María Díaz Hurtado, Hospital Clínic de Barcelona. Departamento: Servicio de Psiquiatría y Psicología Infanto-Juvenil. Universidad de Barcelona, España.



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